Nov 30, 2012

New Church Wedding Decoration

This is another example of wedding decoration at church with white, yellow and orange theme.

Nov 27, 2012

Nov 26, 2012

Engagement/ Wedding Decorations

Kami melayani pemesanan dekorasi rumah/gedung/kamar untuk keperluan acara wedding maupun engagement party.

We serve the home/ buildings/ rooms decorations for purposes of wedding event or engagement party.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi nomor kontak kami. Terima Kasih.

For more information, please contact us. Thank You.

Standing bouquet

This is an example of standing bouquet with white, red and purple theme.

Nov 25, 2012

Triangle flower bouquet

This is an example of triangle shaped flower bouquet and a gift requested from our client.

Nov 24, 2012

Anniversary bouquet

This is an example for anniversary bouquet, a request by our client from Jakarta to sent for his girlfriend at Surabaya.

Nov 23, 2012

Flowers Bouquet for Independence Day

This special flower arrangement to accompany the celebration of Indonesia's independence day. Nuances of red and white colors of the flag according to Indonesia, as well as given a touch of bamboo for more nuanced struggles.

Nov 22, 2012

Nov 21, 2012

Giving Birth Pomeranian-Joyce

This is one of our clients who recently gave birth. Her name is Joyce, Pomeranian, her son born 4 tails.

Nov 20, 2012

Vaccination and Clinic

Kami juga menerima jasa vaksinasi pada anjing dan kucing kesayangan Anda. Serta pemeriksaan kesehatan dan check up pada hewan kesayangan Anda.

Vaksinasi dan pemeriksaan pada hewan kesayangan Anda akan ditangani oleh dokter hewan kami. Dokter hewan kami merupakan salah satu alumni dari Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.

We also accept vaccination services on Your beloved dogs and cats. As well as a medical examination and check up on Your favourite animals.

Vaccination and examination on the animal's pet You will be handled by our veterinarian. Our vet is the alumni of the Faculty of veterinary medicine University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi nomor kontak kami. Terima kasih.

For more information, please contact us. Thank you.

Nov 19, 2012

Hand Flower Bouquet

Hand flower bouquet primarily intended as a birthday gift, valentine, a bouquet of flowers for the bride and groom, etc.

For more information, please contact us. Thank You.

Nov 18, 2012

ROAPLC 2012 Results

Russian Open Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (ROAPLC) 2012 is out. Below are the top 25 results.

Our tank has got 33th rank, not bad, next year should be better..