Dec 31, 2012

Serpai Slayer

Serpai Slayer - Hyphessobrycon eques
Serpae tetras are one species of the genus Hyphessobrycon, now known as Hyphessobrycon eques. These South American tropical characids are popular aquarium fishes, often identified as "Red Minor tetras". They are found in nature in the Madeira and Guaporé regions of the Amazon river, and in upper Paraguay.

(source: Wikipedia)

Dec 30, 2012

Boesemann's Rainbowfish

Boesemann's Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia boesemani

Boesemann's Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani) merupakan ikan endemis yang berasal dari papua barat, Indonesia. Ikan dengan warna yang unik dan berenang secara berkelompok. Ikan jenis ini lebih cocok untuk aquarium dengan ukuran 90cm++. Ikan ini cukup agresif terhadap udang.

Boesemann's Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani) is an endemic fish from West Papua, Indonesia. This fish has unique colors and swim in groups. This type of fish is more suitable for the tank size of 90cm++. These fish are aggressive enough to shrimp.

Dec 29, 2012

Grooming Pomeranian (Arnold)

Our grooming work for pomeranian names Arnold which is entrusted to us for a weeks when the owner going vacation.

Dec 28, 2012

Dec 27, 2012

Dec 25, 2012

Grooming Pomeranian mix

Below are 2 of 6 pomeranian mix belonging to one of our clients who entrusted us for him dogs grooming and care routine every month.

Dec 24, 2012

Grooming Cats and Dogs

Kami melayani jasa perawatan (grooming) anjing dan kucing kesayangan Anda. Grooming pada anjing dan kucing meliputi, mandi biasa/ mandi kutu, potong kuku dan bulu pada telapak kaki, pembersihan telinga, blower dan hairdryer, serta cukur/membentuk bulu pada hewan kesayangan Anda.

Anda tidak perlu merasa cemas melakukan perawatan hewan kesayangan Anda di tempat kami. Kami menjamin tempat perawatan kami bersih, bebas dari kutu, serta penyakit menular. Kami juga melayani jasa panggilan ke rumah, dan dapat memberikan perawatan hewan kesayangan Anda langsung di rumah Anda. Berikut ini adalah contoh foto dari beberapa klien-klien kami, yang telah mempercayakan perawatan hewan kesayangannya pada kami.

We serve grooming care services for your pet dogs and cats. Grooming in dogs and cats include, regular shower / bath fleas, cut nails and the hair on the soles of the feet, ear cleaning, blower and a hairdryer, and shaving / shaping fur on your pet.

You do not need to worry your pet care in our area. We guarantee our care clean, free of fleas, as well as infectious diseases. We also provide services for house call, and can provide immediate veterinary care your pet in your home. Here is a sample picture of some of our clients, who have entrusted us for the care of their beloved pet.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi nomor kontak kami. Terima kasih.

For more information, please contact us. Thank you.

Dec 20, 2012

Pet Day Care

Anda ingin berlibur? Tetapi Anda tidak dapat membawa serta hewan kesayangan Anda sedangkan pembantu Anda mudik/ tidak sanggup merawat selama Anda bepergian? Anda tidak perlu kuatir, sebab kami juga melayani jasa penitipan hewan kesayangan Anda.

Hewan kesayangan Anda akan merasa nyaman tinggal di tempat kami. Sistem penitipan hewan kesayangan di tempat kami, tiap satu anjing atau kucing kami sediakan kandang pribadi. Kandang diletakan di tempat yang bersih dan terlindung dari panas maupun hujan. Kami akan melepaskan dan mengajak jalan-jalan hewan kesayangan Anda dua kali sehari setiap pagi dan sore.

Makanan hewan kesayangan Anda kami sediakan, kecuali jika hewan kesayangan Anda hanya makan makanan tertentu, Anda bisa membawakannya kepada kami.

Informasi lebih lanjut Anda dapat langsung menghubungi kami di nomor kontak kami. Terima Kasih.

You want to go vacation? But you can't take along your pets while your helper back hometown/ unable to care for as long as you are traveling? You don't have to worry about, because we also serve Your beloved animal care services.

Your pets will feel comfortable staying in our place. In our place, each dog or cat we provide private enclosure. Cages placed in a clean place and protected from heat or rain. We will let go and take a walk to your pets twice a day every morning and afternoon.

We also provide your favorite pets food, unless Your pets only eat certain foods, you can bring it to us.

More information you can check at contact us. Thank You.

Dec 19, 2012

Giving Birth Pomeranian (Ursula & her babies)

One of our patient which is Pomeranian names Ursula when giving birth to her 3 children.

Dec 18, 2012

Giving Birth Golden Retriever

One of our patient which is golden retriever names Buddy when giving birth to 7 her children, 3 males and 4 females.

Dec 17, 2012


Chihuahua is a small dog breeds. Its size varies between 6-10 inches. Although there can be up to 12-15 inches. Chihuahua has two types of fur, short and long furry. It is easy to attack, loyal to the owner, maybe even too overprotective. Chihuahua dog get along difficult with other kinds.

(source: wikipedia)

Dec 16, 2012


Pomeranian or known as Pom is small dog breeds. Pom is colored white, black, Brown, cream, orange, and combinations. Thick fur. Pom is dog-friendly and active. Its nature is very tied up with its owner and alerted to the environment of its territory, and will be barking when there is something strangers who enters its territory.

(source: wikipedia)

Dec 15, 2012

Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is a large breed of dog types. Often mistaken as a Siberian Husky, as indeed two kinds of this race have a resemblance to wolves. But his body larger and stout from the husky, and the color of his eyes mostly chocolate, honey, hazel or brown, while the husky blue eyes color. These types of dogs are very loyal and smart, but it can also be difficult to be trained. Very suitable as a family dog but not suitable as guard dogs due to their nature.

(source: DogBreed info center)

Dec 14, 2012

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is the medium dog breeds.. These dogs have intelligence high enough so that frequently used as helper dogs are people with disabilities, as illegal drugs detector at the airport in particular, and may also help locate disaster victims. Because of his loyalties and friendly nature, this dog is very well maintained as a family dog, but could not be kept as a guard dog because of its good and friendly though to strangers.

The photo above is a photo of our Golden Retriever. The name is Charlie, male sex, age 1.5 yrs, golden fur color. Due to the immature (for male adult life time from 2 yrs) its still not formed.

Dec 13, 2012

Dec 11, 2012

Dec 10, 2012

Dec 8, 2012

Dec 6, 2012

Aqua Journal Digital Edition December Issue New Release!

[Special Feature]
Paradise of Stem Plants

With their pretty pastel coloration, various leaf shapes and the way they spread their soft leaves in water, stem plants have a way of always attracting us to their beauty.

Each type of stem plant has its own unique charm and it should be effectively brought out in the layout.  A layout using stem plants naturally reflects the intention of the producer, which is one of the fun parts of making this type of layout. The special feature of this issue introduces the basic rules for skillful planting of colorful stem plants.

Aqua Journal Digital Edition -December issue
Available on coverleaf.com

Dec 5, 2012