Aug 31, 2015

IAPLC 2015 Top 127 World Rankings Video

International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2015 World Rankings Top 127 video.

Congratulations for all participants.

Aug 30, 2015

IAPLC 2015 Results

This year, the contest received a total of 2,545 entries from 69 counties and areas. All the works were impartially graded and determined, and now the contest results are announce here.

Here are some screenshots of the top 27 layouts from IAPLC 2015 Results live streaming today.

 Here the results for Indonesian contestants on the top 127.

Here some interesting layout on top 100 IAPLC 2015

Congratulation for all contestants.

Jan 30, 2015

Prepare for Valentine's Day Event

Fleur-de-Lis Florist Surabaya adalah florist yang akan membantu Anda memberikan jasa rangkaian bunga dalam rangka pernikahan, acara pertunangan, dekorasi kamar/ ruang rapat/ gedung/ gereja dan lain-lain, termasuk dalam menyambut bulan Februari bulan Valentinenya.

Fleur-de-Lis Florist Surabaya is a florist that will help you arrange flower for wedding or engagement ceremony, rooms / meeting rooms / buildings / churches decorating and others, including in February the month of Valentine.

Ini beberapa contoh hasil rangkaian bunga terbaru kami dalam rangka Valentine yang akan terus kami sempurnakan.

Here are a few examples of our latest flower arrangements for Valentine event which will developing for perfection.